I have overdue or replacement charges on my Library account. How can I pay these charges?


You may check the due dates of library items by logging into your KOHA library account. DVD/Blu-ray and game titles are checked out for a period of 7 days, while books are checked out for a period of 3 weeks.

Overdue Fines

Books: 25¢/day

DVDs/games: $1.00/day

  1. Campus students can pay their library charges in person, in cash, at the library circulation desk.
  2. Students may also pay their library charges in person at the Full Sail Business Office. The Business Office accepts both cash and credit payments.
  3. To pay library charges online, click on the “My Finances” tab on your Connect account and choose “Make a Payment Online.” Go through the steps to “Add a Payment Method” if you have not already done so. Enter the amount and click “Pay” and then “Confirm Payment.” You should receive a confirmation number and the payment should appear under your “Account Details.” Once you receive this confirmation number, email BusinessOffice-StudentAccounts@fullsail.com with the confirmation number, letting the Business Office know that the payment is to be applied to your library fines.
  • Last Updated May 15, 2017
  • Views 60
  • Answered By Stephanie Maatta

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