How do I access the Library’s eBook collection?


The Library’s eBook collection can be found in the EBSCOHost database. First, be sure that you have Adobe Digital Editions installed. This is a free download available at

To access the eBook collection, you will also need to create a personal account in EBSCOHost. Begin by clicking on the link at the top of the main search page that reads, “Sign In.” On the next screen, click on the “Create a new Account” link. Choose your username and password for EBSCOHost and enter the rest of the required information. When finished, you should see a yellow ribbon on the EBSCOHost logo that reads, “My.” You should also see your name in the upper right corner of the screen.

Once you have set up your EBSCOHost account, click on the link at the top of the search page that reads, “Choose Databases.” Click the box next to “eBook Collection.” This will open the search page for eBooks, where you may search by title, author, keyword, etc., or browse by subject.

To view eBooks on an iPad, you will also need to download the free Bluefire Reader application from the App Store. The majority of eBook titles check out for a period of two weeks. After the two weeks, the file will expire. Please keep in mind that there is a limit of five eBook titles at a time per patron.

  • Last Updated Jan 14, 2020
  • Views 680
  • Answered By Stephanie Maatta

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