How do I find articles in EBSCOHost that display a “Check Linksource for more information” message?


When the “Check Linksource for more information” message appears, this indicates that EBSCOHost does not have the publishing rights for the full text of the article. In this situation, you may want to try to perform your search again, checking the “Full Text” box to eliminate any results that are not available in full text.

If you have some time before your assignment is due, you can also submit an Interlibrary Loan request for the article by emailing the details to, or by clicking here to access the ILL request form. It can take anywhere from one day to two weeks to fill your ILL request. Keep this is mind when requesting an item. Please keep your assignment due date in mind when submitting these types of requests.

  • Last Updated Dec 14, 2016
  • Views 60
  • Answered By Stephanie Maatta

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