How do I save items to my folder in EBSCOHost?


In order to utilize the folder and saved search features in EBSCOHost, you will need to register for an EBSCOHost account. Click on the link at the top of the main search page that reads, “Sign In.” On the next screen, click on the “Create a new Account” link. Choose your username and password for EBSCOHost. When finished, you should see a yellow ribbon on the EBSCOHost logo that reads, “My.” You should also see your name in the upper right corner of the screen. Now you will be able to utilize the “Alert / Save / Share” link on the search results page to save your searches, set up automated alerts, and save items to and share folders with other users.

Setting up an alert allows you to receive a notification whenever a new article matching your current search terms is added to the EBSCOHost database. Saving your search will give you the option to return to your search at a later time. You can also use this feature to perform multiple searches, where each search includes more specific keywords to narrow down your topic.

Sharing a folder can be useful when performing group projects. You may send an invitation and password to another user’s email address, allowing them to view and modify the contents of the folder. In this way, all members of the group will be aware of the progress of the research and no articles will be duplicated.

  • Last Updated Dec 14, 2016
  • Views 32
  • Answered By Stephanie Maatta

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